Paqmi Nuqyuk
Paq’mi Nuq’yuk is a Ktunaxa terms which means to ‘Blossom or burst from the ground’, much like a developing child. We provide Aboriginal Early Years Services to families with children ages 0-6, self-identifying as First Nations, Metis, or Inuit, living in the following areas: Cranbrook/ Kimberley; Creston; Invermere; and Fernie/ Grasmere.
The Aboriginal Early Years Program offered through Ktunaxa Kinbasket Child and Family Services Society (KKCFSS) provides a positive start to life through a wide range of services:
· Culture and Language
· Education
· Health
· Nutrition
· Social Support
· Parent and family involvement
· Drop-in parenting group
· Aboriginal Infant Development Services (0-3)
· Aboriginal Supported Child Development Services (3-6)
· ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 Screenings
We can also make referrals to a wide range of child based health services such as Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, etc.
For more information on our programs and services, please contact Charlene Sperling ( or Chelsea Nicholas ( at 250-489-4563