Ktunaxa Citizens’ Excellence Awards & Grants, 2024
Ktunaxa Citizens’ Excellence Awards & Grant
This year, you can nominate Ktunaxa Citizens for one of three (3) Excellence Honour Awards.
You can also apply as a Ktunaxa Citizen or Group for an Excellence Grant Award.
–> Grant Award Application is HERE
You can nominate or apply no matter where you live.
Closing date is April 26, 2024.
The awards and grant aim to support and celebrate Ktunaxa excellence in the following areas:
- Cultural Knowledge and Language
- Sports
- Arts and Entertainment
- Business and Career
Ktunaxa Citizens’ Excellence Honour Awards
Honour Award Categories
These awards are given out in three categories,
and recognize excellence in one of the four areas mentioned above.
- Lifetime Achievement
- Recognition
- Language Learners’
The Lifetime Achievement Award
is awarded each year to someone who is still with us, and who has, during their lifetime,
made a significant contribution to the Ktunaxa Nation in any of the areas.
The Recognition Award
is awarded each year in recognition of a high level of success achieved by a Ktunaxa Citizen or Group.
The Language Learners’ Award
is awarded to those who have committed to learning the Ktunaxa language,
and who have reached a specific milestone level of formal language learning as follows:
- Seedling (at least 100 hours of learning)
- Bud (at least 300 hours of learning)
- Bloom (at least 500 hours of learning)
Who is eligible for nomination?
Any Ktunaxa Citizen or Ktunaxa Citizens’ Group
How do I nominate someone?
The nominator must be Ktunaxa and can be a Citizen, First Nation, or Group.
The nominator(s) must complete the application form provided,
or provide a letter of no more than three pages, with the following required details:
- Under which of the three Honour Awards is the nomination being made?
- Name and mailing address of the individual or group being nominated
and the name of the Ktunaxa First Nation they are affiliated with, if applicable.- A few paragraphs describing the person’s or group’s contribution or success in their field.
- What this person’s or group’s involvement has meant to their community or to the Ktunaxa Nation.
- One paragraph describing the nominator’s relationship to the nominee.
- The signature of the nominator.
Please note, nominations that do not include all of the required information will be considered incomplete.
We will return them to the nominator for completion.
Completed nominations that are received after the stated submission date will not be considered.How are the award recipients selected?
The successful nominees will be selected by the Ktunaxa Citizens’ Excellence Awards Committee (KCEA).
What does the award recipient receive?
Lifetime Achievement: Cash award of $1000
Recognition: Cash award of $500
Language Learners: Cash award of $500Recipients will also receive a gift commemorating their achievement.
How will the nominee and nominator be notified if they are successful?
The successful nominees and their nominator(s) will be notified by letter.
When will Honour Awards be presented?
Awards are presented at a Ktunaxa gathering or celebration.
The date will be in May of 2024. We are waiting on confirmation of the exact date.
The location will be at the Ktunaxa Nation Council Building in Cranbrook.
200 Cranbrook St. NorthHow do I send my nomination?
You have some options!
Mail to:
Ktunaxa Nation Council
7825 Mission Rd.
Cranbrook, BC V1C 7E5
Attn: Ktunaxa Citizens’ Excellence AwardsDrop off: Ktunaxa Nation Council office, 220 Cranbrook St. North in Cranbrook
Email: Rachelle Sebastian (RachelleF.Sebastian@ktunaxa.org)
or Fax: 250-489-2438
Where are the nomination forms?
You can pick up a nomination form at the Ktunaxa Nation Council office in Cranbrook.
You can download a nomination form HERE.
This is a fillable PDF.
If you open it up in Acrobat Reader, you can type in the responses.
Then you can save it and email it to RachelleF.Sebastian@ktunaxa.org,
or print it out and mail it in to the address listed above.
Ktunaxa Citizens’ Excellence GRANTS
Excellence Grants are awarded to encourage Ktunaxa Citizens and Groups
who have reached an advanced level of success in one of the award areas.
There will be one Excellence Grant awarded in this round.
Examples of advanced levels of success would be something like competitive level sports such as Junior A or AA hockey, Level 4 or higher in gymnastics, competitive traditional dance, and practice levels of traditional knowledge or language.
Grant FAQs
Who is eligible to apply?
Any Ktunaxa citizen or Ktunaxa Team/Group who has reached an advanced level of success in one of the award areas may apply.
Applicants may be required to provide proof of their success level, if requested.
What is the maximum amount that I can apply for?
The maximum that can be applied for is $5000 (five thousand dollars).
How often can I receive this award?
Applications are accepted anytime throughout the year.
Each applicant may only receive one grant per year.
Each recipient is only eligible for a lifetime limit of $5000.
If a parent or guardian is making this application on behalf of a child that is under the age of 18,
the applicant named in the application should be the child, not the parent or guardian.
How do I apply?
Application forms are attached.
Electronic forms are also available from the Ktunaxa Nation Council Communications. (info@ktunaxa.org)
Application forms must be completed in full.
Please note, applications that are not completed in full, or do not include all of the required information,
will be considered to be incomplete and will be returned to the applicant for completion
What information will I need to provide in the application?
When you fill in the application form, you will be asked for your name and contact info, plus the details of your request or need.
You will provide a cost breakdown of your expenses, and are invited to provide up to three letters of support.
How are the grant award recipients selected?
Applications will be considered by the Ktunaxa Citizens’ Excellence Awards Committee (KCEA).
Approvals are subject to availability of funds, as the KCEA overall has an annual limit.
How will the grant award recipients be notified if they are successful?
Applicants will be notified by letter if their application was approved or not.
If the application is not approved, the KCEA committee will provide the reason that it was not approved.
Where do I send my application?
Mail to:
Ktunaxa Nation Council
7825 Mission Rd.
Cranbrook, BC V1C 7E5
Attn: Ktunaxa Citizens’ Excellence Awards
Email: Rachelle Sebastian (RachelleF.Sebastian@ktunaxa.org)
or Fax: 250-489-2438
Where can I find the grant application?
You can find a fillable PDF form HERE.
You can also pick up an application form at the Ktunaxa Nation Council office in Cranbrook.