Economic & Investment Sector

Economic & Investment Sector Mission:

“To cultivate a healthy, self-sufficient Ktunaxa economy. Along with communities, partners and neighbours, achieve sustainable economic growth through equitable access to economic resources and opportunities, while respecting Ktunaxa culture and values.”

Goals of the Sector:
1. Build the Economic sector structure and capacity
2. Be the catalyst for a strong, diversified and sustainable Ktunaxa economy.
3. Enhance the economic development capacity of Ktunaxa communities
4. Complete corporate reorganization for KNC-owned businesses
5. Focus on Ktunaxa entrepreneurs
6. Build Ktunaxa human capital
7. Improve access to lands & resources
8. Improve access to capital
9. Establish autonomous revenue base for Ktunaxa government
10. Working together with communities & sectors
11. Capacity building Initiatives
12. Support the Ktunaxa Treaty Team
13. Engage in relevant research & advocacy initiative

The Economic Investment Sector is working to build a strong economy for the Ktunaxa citizens.

This is done through the creation or expansion of businesses, joint ventures with other companies and facilitating opportunities for the Nation.

Economic Newsletter

Summer 2023 Edition


And scroll down for information about Ktunaxa Ready, an online business directory and engagement portal that will showcase Ktunaxa businesses through its own website, starting later in 2020.

The recently signed Teck Impact Management Benefits Agreement (IMBA) has a major impact on the Economic Investment Sector. The Procurement and Business Development Officer position was designed as per strategic needs of the IMBA. The mandate is to support the development of Ktunaxa Businesses and align them with procurement opportunities from Teck. For more information contact Jose Galdamez.

The Industry Engagement Officer works within the Industry engagement function for the Ktunaxa Nation throughout the entire Ktunaxa Territory with special emphasis on economic capacity. This position works closely with the Economic and Investment Sector Director and members of local and regional government agencies, industry, corporate representatives, and Ktunaxa Community Economic Development Officer. For more information contact Marion Eunson.

The Business Development Officers are part of the Kootenay Aboriginal Business Development Agency (KABDA). KABDA helps Aboriginal Entrepreneurs make their business dreams come true. KABDA Business Development Officers assist with things like business plans and financial assistance through loan applications to various companies. Business Development Officers travel all over the Kootenays from Christina Lake to the Alberta Border and from Golden to the United States. Recently, KABDA and the Ktunaxa Nation Council developed a Microlending program for Ktunaxa Nation Citizens. It is intended to provide financial support for entrepreneurial and general economic activities. For more information contact Janice Alpine or Shane Stewart or visit

Working to attract investments, partnerships, create businesses and securing and creating job opportunities for every Ktunaxa Citizen.

Contact Directory 

Jason Andrew
Economic & Investment Sector Director
250-489-2464 ext. 3162

Shane Stewart
Manager, Economic & Investment

Tanis Richmond
Manager, Strategic Initiatives
250-489-2464 ext. 4055

Marion Eunson
Industry Engagement Officer
250-489-2464 ext. 3046

Jose Galdamez
IMBA Procurement Lead/Officer
250-489-2464 ext. 3122

Travis Towsley
Business Development Officer
250-489-2464 ext. 3164

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