COVID Vaccine: Question & Answer Online Session

February 9, 2021 at 5:30, via Teams*
Ktunaxa Citizens are invited to join the free ONLINE information session with Community Nurses Brittany Groff, Dallas Cardinal, Heather McDonald and Sara Chorney, who will answer your questions about the vaccine, its efficacy, and what to expect when you get vaccinated.
Other panelists from community health centres will be online, too, to answer questions about the vaccine roll-out and access.
Please email to ask your questions in advance.
The meeting link is:
Click here to join the meeting
The nurses and other panelists will answer questions that are sent beforehand, or that are “chatted” by participants during the session.
*Teams is a type of video conferencing platform, similar to Zoom.
Using it is a very similar process to using Zoom,
all you do is click the link that you will be sent,
and run the app as directed on your screen.
If you haven’t used Teams before, it’s a good idea to click the link about 10 minutes before the meeting start time to ensure everything is working.
You will be able to attend via video link, audio link or even cell phone if necessary.
The session will be recorded for later distribution, as well.
All you need to join a Teams meeting is a link.
Select Click here to join the meeting in your meeting invite to be taken to a page where you can choose to either join on the web or download the desktop app.
If you already have the Teams app, the meeting will open there automatically.
If you don’t have a Teams account and the organizer has allowed it, you may have the option to enter your name to join the meeting as a guest. If you do have a Teams account, select Sign in to join with access to the meeting chat and more. Then, depending on the organizer’s settings, you may join the meeting right away or go to the lobby where people in the meeting can admit you.