Citizen Input Needed!
A message from Keith Clement – Citizen Engagement Coordinator
Kiʔsuʔk kyukyit,
The Constitution Working Group (CWG) was assembled in June of 2017.
The CWG, with the support of the Citizen Engagement team, is in the early stages of its engagement with Ktunaxanin̓tik (Ktunaxa Citizens) regarding the draft Ktunaxa Constitution.
You are invited to participate in a short survey.
Here is the link to the Engagement Survey.
This short survey will give the CWG a better understanding of how much you already know about the Ktunaxa Constitution and how you would like to receive information.
The survey will require approximately 5-7 minutes to complete.
Participation is strictly voluntary.
If you choose to participate in this survey, please take your time to answer the questions the best you can.
Here is the link to the Engagement Survey.
If you require additional information or have questions, please contact me at the number listed below or you may email me at
Thank you for your time and consideration. It is very much appreciated.