2024 AGA Door Prize Winners
KNC AGA Ball Game
Annual General Assembly 2024
The Ktunaxa Nation Annual General Assembly
happens on Wednesday, July 17, and Thursday, July 18, 2024.
The location is ʔakisq̓nuk First Nation.
If you are not attending in person, you can join us via Zoom.
Important Notes:
- Attendees are not allowed to take screenshots, pictures, or recordings of any part of these meetings.
- The Finance Department presentation is private and only for Ktunaxa Nation members and staff.
- By accessing these meetings, you agree to these terms.
There are two parts you need to know about:
- The main AGA:
This part is open to everyone.
It features many sessions over two days.
The agenda is attached to this email.
- 9 am to 4 pm on Wednesday
- 9 am to 2:45 pm on Thursday
- Zoom link à https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kj2sXZuETCCKOxqkAD31eQ
- This is a webinar, observe-only, format
- Upon joining the meeting, you will be asked for your name and email address
- Finance Department presentation:
This part is open only to Ktunaxa Nation members
and staff of the Ktunaxa First Nations & Ktunaxa Nation Council.
- 3 pm to 4 pm on Thursday
- This is a meeting format with a Q&A period
- Email Registration is required
How to register:
- 1. Email
à Send an email to AGA@ktunaxa.org.
Include your First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Affiliation.
- 1. Email
- 2. Verification
We will verify your details and email you a Zoom Invitation to register.
- 2. Verification
- 3. Zoom Registration
Register with Zoom using the same information.
Zoom will send you the meeting link and passcode.
- 3. Zoom Registration